
Painting is a marathon, u only compete with yourself . GMavridis + despair is the only way in which one can expose one´s inner self with honesty.M. Rothko + art is either plagiarism or revolution P. Gauguin + 'You have to work in an area where there are no possible pronouns or solutions, or reactions, or standpoints - that's what makes it so diabolically difficult.S. Beckett + Et j ´oppose á l´amour des images toutes faites au lieu d´images á faire.P. Eluard(comme 2 goutes d´eau) + Great art is the outward expression of an inner life of the artist, and this innerlife will result in his personal vision of the world.” - Edward Hopper + Identity and legacy ,G Mavridis.

metaphors in transit 3

it's a strange thing to be immersed in the culture of painting and to wish to be the first painter..P.Guston 1966

i am very glad that you will stay tomorrow / it's beautifully beautifull to see you all the time / are you prepared to leave?
partir est mourrir un peu..
find some birds and painstakingly put them back in order to draw
have a dioramic view
representation of a representation
from spiritualize to despiritualize
if gods decide to destroy you , they make you mad
i invite the Furies in madding you
standing alone 
i bought an italian coffee machine at the campo de fiori watching Giordano Bruno's statue
i remeber his burning

metapolitics in aesthetics
go astray / use it or lose it / discrepancies 
l' éloquence
is there life before death?
at the same time you try to identify yourself, you prepare your own legacy
so you ask yourself again: is there life before death?
where stands this ''now''? /  what measure i need for this? / am i permitted to hope? 
standing alone in the '' present ''
 am i become Pollyannaish?

Murakami said that japanese culture became childish because they feel castrated 
Picabia said  that one must be a nomad, pass through ideas as one passes through countries and 

Lyotard said that drifting is in itself the end of all critique

-i dont like your manners
-that's all right, i am not selling it..R.Chandler