Aesop's Brexit II
At the Lock's Rape Tavern, a wig wear makelare was expressing The feeling being comfortable in Englishness in front of a Gainsborough landscape
But Aesop's oxen are long gone, eaten
l'echange est échangé..
" Simulacra !! " shouted the other place
Aubains, no mirrors for you was the answer !!
inside Rhyparographos's obsonia picture, absinthe Doris in her usual lethargic blank look, opens her smelly french fries mouth and whispers : Simulacra in Englishness !!
..Autrui is a man without horizon, coming from a no land, coming from 'autrui' cities, cities between appearing and disappearing..
But Aesop's oxen are long gone, eaten
l'echange est échangé..
" Simulacra !! " shouted the other place
Aubains, no mirrors for you was the answer !!
inside Rhyparographos's obsonia picture, absinthe Doris in her usual lethargic blank look, opens her smelly french fries mouth and whispers : Simulacra in Englishness !!
..Autrui is a man without horizon, coming from a no land, coming from 'autrui' cities, cities between appearing and disappearing..